Cycle 8: Like a Bird, Like a Horse
Who cares about being or nothingness? I am a philosopher of rice. I don’t think, I cook: white, brown, red - long, short, medium - moist, dry, sticky - jasmine, basmati, Arborio . . . The pilaf sage knows, a bowl of steaming rice is subtler than ten Hegels.
I salt my writing with enigmas to whet your thirst for wonder.
Scrumptious Vegetarians
Buddha: This passing moment is my surpassing meat.
Pythagoras: My mother was a fish.
Da Vinci: Man's bright symmetries my meat, my drink his dark asymmetries.
Darwin: If mutation is the meat of life, selection is its potatoes.
Einstein: Relativity is the meat of the matter.
Gandhi: In peace, extremes can meet. (In peas, extremes meet.)
Humpty Dumpty Philosophy or Sunny-Side Up
After the fall:
My yolk runneth over.
Don’t put me together – I’ll just sit on the wall again.
Rumpy Humpy sat on the king.
Humpy Jump-Me had a great ball.
At home on the edge.
The seven fruits of joy – joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy.
The seed of joy, the fruit of joy can only be joy, of sadness only sadness. Though joy constantly follows sadness, sadness, joy, one can never turn into the other.
O the green velocity of vegetables! Unencumbered by blue selves, their verdant innocence overruns all limits. Green me!
Waiting for the water to green, I am already drinking my tea.
(Show me how a man waits . . .)
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